Finding Services
How would I find services on SRVZ?
Last updated
How would I find services on SRVZ?
Last updated
🍰Finding the service is a peace of cake!
Go to Online
Find the Search bar located in the middle of the screen and search for the service you are looking for. (Click the black enter button / or press ENTER on your keyboard to confirm your search)
In this example we entered " I need my walls painted" which gave us these results:
Here you can apply filters to filter the searched results more to what your looking for. Filters include: -Area -Price Ranges -Charge Type (Meaning the charge will be before the service is done, in parts, or after the service is completed) -Swift Service (Meaning the service can be done as soon as possible) -Material (Meaning the service offers material purchasing) -Equipment (Meaning the service offers equipment purchasing) -Date and time which the servicer is available to do the service -Language Spoken (spoken by the servicer)
Here you can also see the division between preset services and custom services. Read about Preset Services and Custom Services
After finding the one that most suites you click the select button